Become an Ambassador

Ambassadors are those individuals that can raise awareness for both our cause and the Fampro. Ambassadors are typically those individuals that provide added credibility, has a large network, and can assist our team to raise funds for the Fampro.

Ambassadors can choose a suitable level of involvement and may even be elected to the board by the founders of the FPA, if they wish to put their name forward.
As our ambassadors we however require each to sign a Code of Conduct and Ethical Declaration document with the Fampro.

contact us

Become a Donor

Passion and Love can only carry our activities that far, having adequate funding is pivotal for us to achieve our ambitions, save lives and make an impact in vulnerable family members.

As such we need continuous financial support. Private & Corporate Donors can make once-off or monthly donations and we are currently in the application process and will soon be able to provide 18A certificates.

corporate DONOR

Support Partner

With the size, extend and geographical location of the need of interventions and support, we continuously require need support from experts within their selective fields.

If you are an attorney, mediator, mental health practitioner, social worker, investigator and/or private security services provider with the ability to help in providing high quality and ethical services to the vulnerable we would love to talk to you.

get in touch